Call us today on 01228 792 040

  Neue Schule - Tranz Angled Lozenge Full Cheek

The Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Full Cheek snaffle bit is the ideal choice for horses that struggle in their turns and have poor steering. The design of the bit prevents the mouthpiece from sliding through the mouth during turns making it ideal for use in faster work and also in younger horses that are yet to establish an obedient turn.

Full cheek snaffle bits are also ideal for novice riders as they prevent excessive movement in the mouth. The Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Full Cheek Snaffle can be used in conjunction with fulmer loops which will help provide mild poll pressure; we recommend you only use fulmer loops in horses that have established a contact as this reduces the play in the bit.

The Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Full Cheek Snaffle is dressage legal and is available in the following combinations:

8022FC: 5-5.75 size with a 14mm mouthpiece.

8023FC: 5-6 size with a 16mm mouthpiece.

Please call us on 01228 792 040 for more information about this product.

Eskdale Saddlery, 4 High Street, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5UE | Telephone. 01228 792 040 | Email.
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