Call us today on 01228 792 040

  Shires - Tempest Original Lite Turnout Rug

Ideal for warmer wet weather, the Tempest Original Lite rugs are cut deep and feature a lightweight but durable outer to withstand field wear. 

ShireTex® 600 denier ripstop, waterproof and breathable outer with taped seams, blanket set chest fastenings, adjustable cross surcingles, adjustable fillet strap, tail flap

WarmaRug Compatible - Upgrade this rug's warmth rating using separate rug liners in 100g or 200g. Durable, dependable, excellent value! Tempest Original rugs offer exceptional value for those wanting a good, dependable turnout rug.

Please call us on 01228 792 040 for more information about this product.

Eskdale Saddlery, 4 High Street, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5UE | Telephone. 01228 792 040 | Email.
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