Call us today on 01228 792 040

  Gallop - Trojan Lite-Weight Turnout Rug

This Limited Edition no fill Lightweight Turnout rug is designed to keep your horse dry without overheating, making it the perfect rug for light rain and drizzle in Spring, Summer and early Autumn. The Water-proof breathable outer has your horse covered in both the heat and mild wet weather, and the shoulder pleats ensure maximum comfort.

600d ripstop outer, No fill, Water-proof, Breathable, Nylon lining, Cross surcingles, Elasticated detachable leg straps, Tail flap, Shoulder pleat to reduce rubbing, Double buckle breast fastenings

Colour: Purple/Navy bindings
Sizes: 4’6” - 7’0”

Please call us on 01228 792 040 for more information about this product.

Eskdale Saddlery, 4 High Street, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5UE | Telephone. 01228 792 040 | Email.
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